Users and devices

This section is dedicated to the detailed description of all components inside the MRM Web Application (Dashboard)

Dashboard > Users > Users Panel
mrm uSERS: ROLES AND PERMIsSIONS Administrator (Admin) is the user that created the account. Has the higher permissions and, if needed, a second (or more...
Fri, 16 Apr, 2021 at 11:31 AM
Dashboard >Users > Staff Panel
STAFF FEATURE IS NOT ACTIVE BY DEFAULT, it works under paid licenses. CREATE, EDIT AND DELETE STAFF USER In order to create a new Staff user, it is nec...
Fri, 19 Jun, 2020 at 12:39 PM
Dashboard > Users > Collectives and Assignments
As we have pointed in previous articles, Collectives feature is not active by default. Collectives (Groups) and Assignments (Positions) become handy to faci...
Fri, 19 Jun, 2020 at 12:39 PM
Dashboard > Users > Device Assignment
In Device Assignment, you can assign devices to users. It is accessible through the Users Panel on the Dashboard. It shows you a complete list of all us...
Thu, 29 Apr, 2021 at 2:32 PM
Dashboard > Devices > Device Panel
The Dashboard Admin can create, modify or eliminate devices that have access to the platform through the device management panel. To access it is necessary ...
Fri, 19 Jun, 2020 at 12:39 PM