Situm Mapping Tool lets you test both positioning modes: Building Mode and Global Mode.

Building Mode

Computes the geolocation of the user in a building that has to be explicitly selected beforehand.
Indoor only.

Global Mode
Computes the user location in any of the calibrated buildings or anywhere in the world. This mode detects automatically the calibrated building where the user is (no need to select it explicitly) and provides her Indoor Position. If the user is not in a calibrated building, the Outdoor Location will be rendered. 
Position could be both Indoor or Outdoor,



Building mode

To activate the Building Mode, unckeck the "Enable indoor/outdoor location" option in the Settings screen. 


Then, go to the Positioning screen.  Select your building by clicking on its icon on the map, or by searching for its name on the search bar. 


Finally, down on the right corner you will find the Positioning icon: click on it to get your current location. Wait a few seconds until you see the blue arrow: this shows your current position and orientation.   




Global Mode

To activate the Global Mode, check the "Enable indoor/outdoor location" option in the Settings screen.

 After that, you will be able to select your preferred Building Detector.  The following Building Detectors are available:

  1. WIFI/BLE based:
    1. WiFi and BLE (recommended): considers that you are in the building whose WiFi and BLE signals (gathered from calibrations) match better the WiFi and BLE signals perceived by your smartphone. 
    2. WiFi:  similar to the WiFi and BLE Building Detector, but using only WIFI signals instead.  
    3. BLE: similar to the BLE and BLE Building Detector, but using only BLE signals instead. 
  2. GPS based (GPS proximity): considers that you are in the closest building to your GPS location (only if it is close enough).

After you select your favorite Building Detector, go  to the Positioning screen.  Unlike in the Building Mode, do not select any building. Instead, click on the Positioning icon. If you are in a building configured with Situm, the selected Building Detector will detect it and after a few seconds you should see  your current position and orientation. 


Otherwise, your Outdoor location will be rendered.