On the upper right corner of the application, there's an icon with three vertical dots. Tapping on them will get us to the application's settings. The system will prompt us to input a PIN number, which will be the default '1234' master PIN unless a custom one has been set up for the building. Settings are divided into four sections: Alarms, Positioning, Advanced Options and Other:
- Enable send Alarms: When enabled, allows the user to send alarms to Dashboard through the 'send alarm' button and TapTapTap.
- Enable TapTapTap: When enabled, it uses the TapTapTap service to send an alarm when hitting the device three times.
- Alert Detector configuration: When tapped, this section allows the user to set up the sensibility of the mobile phone. It normally is set to 5, which is the default value. Going left (towards 0) would make the device less sensitive and, going right, (towards 10) would make it more sensitive.
- Enable Fall Detector: When enabled, it uses the Fall Detector service to send an alarm when a fall is detected.
- Fall Detector Configuration: This option is only available if the Fall Detector is enabled. It has two settings:
- Sensibility: It normally is set to 0.5, which is the default value. Going left (towards 0.0) would make the device less sensitive and, going right, (towards 1.0) would make it more sensitive.
- Wait time: This one sets the time (in seconds) the device has to be without movement before triggering the alarm.
- Use WiFi: When enabled, this scans WiFi for positioning.
- Use Bluetooth: When enabled, this scans Bluetooth signals for positioning. It is recommended to only enable this if the building has BLE beacons installed.
- Note: Battery consumption could escalate when enabling this mode.
- Use GPS for indoor location: When enabled, this improves indoor positioning on open spaces.
- Upload locations in Real-Time: When enabled, this uploads locations in real-time to monitor the user in the Real-Time section of the Dashboard.
- Note: This could potentially increase battery and mobile data consumption.
- Positioning mode: These are some preset modes that were designed to better fit the use that the agent is going to give the application.
- Balanced: Positioning updates are sent more frequently. This mode leads to increased battery usage.
- Energy Saver: Positioning updates are sent less frequently. This mode leads to less battery usage.
- Debug mode: This mode is only recommended for Support.
- Enable Global Location: When enabled, the device will be able to detect locations both outdoors and indoors.
- Continuous Mode: When enabled, this increases the frequency of outdoor positioning updates.
- Advanced Global Location: When enabled, this will determine the average SNR threshold to detect outdoor positioning. This default value is given by the server but can be overridden.
- Prioritise indoor positions over indoor-outdoor: When enabled and if possible, this will allow the device to prioritise indoor positioning.
- Building Detector: This is the mode in which the device will position in indoor-outdoor. It has 4 values: GPS_PROXIMITY, WIFI_AND_BLE, WIFI, BLE
- Use battery saver: When enabled, this will trigger the Energy Saver positioning mode when smartphone is not moving.
- Send debug indoor-outdoor logs: when enabled, this saves the indoor-outdoor debug logs in order to receive support from Situm.
- Sleep Mode: When enabled, this stops the location when the device is not charging and starts it when it's charging.
- Time in seconds to wait before starting positioning: This allows the user to set the time (in seconds) the device has to wait before starting the positioning.
- Time in seconds to wait before stopping positioning: This allows the user to set the time (in seconds) the device has to wait before stopping the positioning.
- Time before starting sleep mode: This allows the user to set the time (in seconds) the device has to wait before entering sleep mode.
Advanced Options:
- Disable WiFi while positioning: When enabled, this allows the application to stop or disable WiFi when it is active. This option is enabled by default since positioning accuracy increases when WiFi is not being used.
- Mobile network consumed: When tapped, this gives access to the phone's network usage section.
- Privacy Policy and Legal Notice: When tapped, this will display Situm's Privacy Policy and Legal Notice
- Phone ID: It gives us the ID assigned to the device upon installation of the app. This ID will then allow us to assign the device to an agent through the MRM web application.
- Version: Indicates the version number of the application installed on the phone.
- Reset to default settings: This resets the application to its default settings.