As stated before in the beacon FAQ, if you carefully follow the previous indications, Situm Mapping Tool automatically work. If you are developing your own application with Situm SDK you need to configure some properties in order for the system to detect custom beacons.

On iOS you need to configure the location request in a similar way.

# Build a beacon filter object

# Use beacons with custom proximityUUIDs

SITBeaconFilter *customBeaconFilter = [[SITBeaconFilter alloc]initWithUUID:@'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
NSArray *beaconFilters = @[customBeaconFilter];

Build a SITLocationRequest object

SITLocationRequest *request = [[SITLocationRequest alloc]initWith...
request.beaconFilters = beaconFilters; # Include beaconFilters on request
[SITLocationManager].delegate = self; // Conform to the SITLocationManagerDelegate protocol to receive updates
[[SITLocationManager sharedManager] requesrLocationUpdates:request]; // Start SITLocationManager to receive location updates

With these instructions you now know everything you need to work with beacons and Situm technology. If you keep having issues please contact us to further help you.